CPR and AED in Winnipeg

Learn the latest ILCOR standards in first aid and CPR by taking a course with Winnipeg First Aid. This Manitoba based provider offers a wide range of courses including cardiopulmonary resuscitation level’s “A”, “C” and “HCP”. All three of these level’s include automated external defibrillator (AED) training. The level’s vary depending on the age of the victim (example: CPR level “A” teaches rescue techniques for adult victims only). This provider also offer private infant CPR courses for new or expecting parents. Other available services with this provider include first aid attendant rentals, mask fit testing, food handling certification, re-certifications, first aid audits and supply sales. It is a very popular provider of first aid, CPR and AED courses because of it’s high volume of courses as well as low prices.

To register for any workplace approved first aid and or CPR program with Winnipeg First Aid or for more information click here.

Course Registration Information

To register for a course click the button below or use the following contact information:

  • Email: info@firstaidwinnipeg.ca / info@firstaidcourses.ca
  • Website: www.firstaidwinnipeg.ca
  • Telephone: 204-272-8720
  • Address: 222 Osborne St Unit 20, Winnipeg, MB R3L 1Z3, Canada

What Courses Are Available With This Provider?

  • Surrey First Aid Classroom
    Winnipeg First Aid proudly offers the lowest prices and best training facilities. Facilities are clean, well maintained and include friendly and welcoming staff.

    Mask Fit Test

  • TDG
  • Standard first aid (includes CPR and AED)
  • Emergency first aid (includes CPR and AED)
  • Standard childcare first aid (includes CPR and AED)
  • CPR level “A” and AED
  • CPR level “C” and AED
  • CPR level “HCP” and AED
  • Heart and Stroke Foundation Basic Life Support
  • Heart and Stroke Foundation Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
  • Heart and Stroke Foundation Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)

And What Services Does the Provider Offer?

  • First Aid Attendant Rentals
  • Private Infant CPR Courses
  • First Aid Kits, Supplies and Re-Stocking
  • AED Sales

What Will I Learn in a CPR and AED Course in Winnipeg?

  • Participants will learn about the following topics:
  • Emergency scene management
  • Artificial Respiration
  • Chest Compressions
  • Vital Checks
  • Recognition and management of obstructed airways
  • Unconscious victims
  • When and how to contact EMS
  • Basic first aid kit supplies
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Good Samaritan Act

Participants will learn the latest CPR rescue techniques using hands on training.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much will the training be?

Winnipeg First Aid offered the most competitive rates in the market. You get the best training at the price you can afford for the type of training course you will be enrolled in. All expenses incurred by the trainee are itemized to prevent additional “invisible costs” seen in other training service providers.

What if my training schedule clashes with work/school? Are there private classes available?

Winnipeg First Aid offers trainees who have scheduling problems with private classes with specific schedules and topics at their discretion.

Where are the training centers located? 

Training courses are offered in various training centers and facilities around Winnipeg to ensure convenience and accessibility by the trainees. Winnipeg First Aid has the latest equipment regarding first aid, CPR, and AED training.

How do I enroll?

An easy and convenient application system allows prospective trainees to apply and give payment through the on-line transactions. The Winnipeg First Aid staff are readily available to respond to queries over the phone regarding applications during business hours.

Winnipeg First Aid assures that you will be trained with the latest information by highly competent and qualified instructors

First Aid for a Cut on the knee
Return demonstration for bleeding management skills.

The latest techniques and information regarding first aid, CPR, and AED training are taught by trainers who are the best in their given fields of expertise. The Winnipeg First Aid staff boasts friendly, welcoming, and easy-to-approach trainers who treat students as partners as they develop their skills.

All training courses are overviewed by St Mark James. Trainees who finish their chosen training course will receive a 3-year, St Mark James first aid, CPR, and AED license.

Did You Know?

Basic Life Support was created by the American Heart Association to save lives after a person becomes a victim of cardiac arrest. The BLS includes (1) recognition of SCA or sudden cardiac arrest, (2) activation of the emergency response system, (3) early cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and (4) rapid defibrillation with an automated external defibrillator.

To get an idea of what the training courses will be like, refer to the video below. The techniques shown in the video will be taught in the training courses offered by Winnipeg First Aid.

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