Treatment For Ear Infection

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However mostly common in children, ear infection is one condition that may affect anyone at any stage of life. It has the general symptom of an ache to the ear or a swelling around it. Most cases are solved by the use of painkillers, and a number of cases also see some antibiotics prescribed.

Definition of ear infection.

Ear infections are categorized into two groups. There are those infections that take place in the ear canal and those infections that take place in the middle ear. The middle ear is the area behind the ear drum and the infection to it is normally known as acute otitis media. This article seeks to explain the infection that takes place in the middle ear.

How does ear infection take place?

The middle ear is usually filled with air. A tiny channel connects it with the back of the throat and the channel is known as Eustachian tube. During a cold, the middle ear has the tendency of filling up with mucus. The mucus in a number of times is infected by bacteria and viruses. When one especially a child has the mucus in their middle ear they are more than likely to get an ear infection. Sometimes, an ear infection can occur without the presence of the mucus in the middle ear.

Symptoms of an ear infection.

  1. Ache to the year. This is a common symptom; however it is not always evident in every case of an ear infection.
  2. Poor hearing. This may set in after a couple of days.
  3. Fever
  4. Nausea or vomiting in children.
  5. Eardrum may burst to release the collected and infected mucus.


Recommended treatments for ear infections.

In most cases, an ear infection fades away in a couple of days. The human immune system has the ability to rid the body of the germs that are causing the ear infection. However, if need be, the following are some of the ways that ear infections can be dealt with.

  1. This is the best remedy in the case of an ear infection that causes pain to the individual. The painkillers will also help lower the temperature of the person or child hence relieving the fever.
  2. Rarely prescribed for ear infections, antibiotics normally come with side effects that may harm the person. They are normally prescribed in severe cases of infections to the ear that do not clear in two to three days or cause complications, and to children of two years or younger.

Possible complications caused by ear infections.

It is a common occurrence for the mucus in the middle ear to remain lodged in there. This has the impact of creating the poor hearing for a while after the infection. After a period of a week or so, the mucus eventually clears and proper hearing is regained. If the mucus does not clear properly, a condition known as glue ear is then developed by the person. When this occurs, it is advisable to seek medication from a doctor. The bursting of the eardrum also normally heals fast, within weeks, but may also take longer. Doctor’s advice is equally recommended in such a situation.

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