All You Need To Know About Hair Loss

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Hair loss happens as a result of numerous factors. The situation can be quite embarrassing; affecting the physical appearance of a person which consequently lowers self-esteem. Apart from practicing basic hygiene, it’s advisable to seek medical treatment for severe cases. Dermatologists conduct tests in order to establish the exact cause, which enables them to determine the most appropriate treatment method.

It’s also important to note the following:

  • When the problem starts
  • Whether it’s sudden or gradual
  • Medication you may be taking
  • Diet
  • Pregnancies, menopause and periods (for women)

In some cases, dermatologists may need to take a sample from the scalp to establish the cause. The scalp tests may be combined with other tests for comprehensive results. The doctor may schedule several appointments.

What Are the Hair Loss Treatments?

Treatment becomes much easier when you treat this condition as soon as it appears. Acting early means seeking medical assistance before you lose plenty of hair. There are several options including:

  • Minoxidil- It’s available over-the-counter without prescription. Minoxidil works its way through the scalp when applied and prevents thinning of the hair. In addition, it also rekindles growth thus enables you to recover from hair loss much quicker. This product is approved for both women and men by the FDA.
  • Laser Products- These are generally gadgets, like combs and brushes, which are hand-operated. They release laser light which combats the loss by accelerating the growth process. Some people may experience better results than others. Although it’s possible to enjoy youthful hair in short time duration, safety must always be considered.
  • Finasteride- This is a prescription drug specifically designed for men. It’s available as a pill with an efficiency rate of 88%. Finasteride inhibits the production of the DHT hormone that leads to loss of hair in men.
  • Corticosteroid- Some people suffer from hair loss as a result of irritation. To curb this occurrence, doctors can inject the patient with corticosteroid. The medicine is administered through the scalp and helps in accelerating growth immensely.

What Are the Medical Procedures?

The amount of damage suffered will be a major determinant of the procedure. Dermatologists will try to restore the hair to its initial state through one of the following techniques:

  • Hair Transplantation- Inflammation on the scalp can be treated through this procedure. Healthy skin is normally removed from another part of the body and then transplanted onto the scalp.
  • Scalp Reduction- This is one of the most common hair loss procedures. In this option, the area of the scalp affected by baldness is cut out and the remaining skin is tightened. The surgery can work on its own or in combination with the transplant.
  • Scalp Expansion- This procedure takes approx 4 weeks. An apparatus is inserted inside the scalp and removed after the time period. The skin will stretch thus enabling the doctor to get rid of the balding areas easily.
  • Scalp Flaps- Doctors remove an area of the scalp that has plenty of hair and insert it in the problem area. The surgical procedure is quite effective in correcting hair loss.

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