How To Treat Muscle Cramps

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Overview Of Muscle Cramps

When a person has an uncontrollable spasm in their muscle that is often accompanied with pain, this is called a muscle cramp. Any muscle within the body can be affected by this, however, the calf and foot are often the most common places for a muscle cramp. The cramp can last for longer or short periods of time, and will often relieve itself. The cause of cramping is not really known. However, medical professionals think that your physical shape, the minerals and vitamins in your body being imbalanced or having muscles that are inflexible could be the reason for these cramps.

Signs of Muscle Cramps

When a person has an uncontrollable spasm in their muscle that is often accompanied with pain, this is called a muscle cramp.
When a person has an uncontrollable spasm in their muscle that is often accompanied with pain, this is called a muscle cramp.

There are several signs of muscle cramps. These include:

  • Sudden painful spasm in the muscles
  • The muscle will feel as though it is twitching
  • You have no control over this twitching and pain

Your Risk Factors for Muscle Cramps

Though the reasons why these muscles cramps happen are not known, there are several risk factors that have been indicated, including:

  • An injury to the muscle
  • Having muscle fatigue
  • Being in poor physical shape
  • Having poor muscle tone
  • Muscles that are tight and inflexible
  • Having an inadequate diet
  • Dehydration
  • Wearing shoes that result in the muscles being clenched for long periods of times
  • Reduced blood supply to these muscles
  • Perspiring excessively

Medical Conditions that Cause Muscle Cramps

There are some medical conditions that cause muscle cramps. These include:

    • Atherosclerosis is found when the arteries have narrowed, which affects the blood supply throughout the entire body.
    • Sciatica: This is pain that is caused due to the nerve in the lower back getting pressure. This can lead to muscle spasms in the muscles surrounding this nerve.
    • Medications: there are several medications that can interfere with the mineral and vitamin balance in the body that cause these spasms to happen

Treating Muscle Spasms

IN most cases, a muscle cramp is going to stop in a few minutes. There has been very little research done to figure out how to stop these muscles camps. However, it has been found that:

  • Stretching and massaging the muscles can help to relieve the pain
  • Ice packs can be used in severe cramps which can help the muscle to relax
  • Medication is given to those who have severe muscle cramps that interfere with their everyday life
  • You may need to talk with a doctor about these cramps so that you can further be evaluated to discover what the issue could be.

Always remember:

  • There is no real cause for these muscle spasms
  • These spasms can last a few seconds or minutes
  • You can help to reduce the pain by stretching and properly exercising muscles
  • Always see your doctor if these spasms become hindersome to your life


 Related Video On Muscle Cramps

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