Dangers Posed by Sleep Positioning Devices For Babies

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sleep positioning devices
Infant CPR

Do you use sleep positioning devices for your baby at home? It is good to know that in as much as they offer great benefits to the baby; they also have negative effects to the baby too. Therefore, it is advisable not to use it for a long time to avoid such complications to your baby.

Dangers Associated with Sleep Positioning Devices

One of the major problems caused by sleep positioning devices is sudden infant death syndrome. This is a condition in which an infant dies suddenly for unexplained reasons as they sleep. In Canada, it is estimated that more than five thousand infants die every year for no obvious reason, with about a half being due to this condition. The major cause related to this death is the use of the positioning devices. This problem can be minimized by allowing the baby to sleep on his or her back. Do not use the devices too much to make the baby comfortable while sleeping.

Flat Head Syndrome

This is another problem common among infants who are younger than six months. The sleep positioning devices prevent the babies from rolling over on his or her stomach or wiggling to close to the edge of the crib by trapping the baby. The flat head syndrome is a deformation that results from pressure that is put on one part of the skull. More babies also roll and get suffocated after rolling from side to the stomach. It is advisable for parents to ensure that the crib is free of pillows, quilts, comforters and toys.

Back Pain

Back pain is not only a problem that affects adults, but also young children. It mostly affects babies who are used to sleeping on the sleep positioning devices. Due to the soft feel on the pillows and comforters, most babies do not straighten their bodies as they sleep. This causes the babies to develop back pain. Therefore, it is advisable that even if you use the sleeping device at home, ensure that you alternate the devices with hard mattresses that can allow the baby to sleep.

It is, therefore important for parents to be careful when buying the sleeping devices to avoid causing problems to the baby. There are many safer and effective ways that parents can use to allow the babies have a better sleep. For instance, you can burp the baby after eating and make them sleep on their backs.

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