i) Get CPR certification at the basic level
This is a mandatory requirement for anyone looking to train as an instructor. There are a number of organizations that offer these training sessions for individuals who want to become a certified CPR instructor. Some of the organizations include the Red Cross (look out for the local office in your locality), the National Safety Council as well as St. John’s Ambulance. The courses may specifically be offered for professionals working in the health sector, individuals working in other sectors but who require certification at their workplace as well as those who want to get knowledge in the field and require no certification.
ii) The second step involves getting to do the exam that is designed for pre-instructors. The good news with this option is that you can also choose to do the exam online prior to the training. In case you decide to use Red Cross as a training organization, this is a requirement if you have to pass your exam. If however, you plan on using other organizations, then this exam does not come as a pre-requisite.
iii) The third step that forms an integral part of the process of becoming a certified CPR instructor is the completion of the First Required Course. The purpose of this course is to prepare the student for the course ahead as well as formulate appropriate methods of instruction, assessment as well as take into account the cultural aspect of the course. The advantage of this stage is that it can be done online as well as completed through a number of training chapters.
iv) The instructor course is the fourth step in the procedure of becoming a certified CPR instructor. Just as the name suggests, this stage provides an individual with exposure to other first aid courses which will cover the following areas: Basic Life Support, advanced cardiac life support as well as Pediatric Advanced life support. The importance of this is made manifest by the fact that there are select target audiences for select courses, making the course tailored to different careers.
v) Depending on the training organization that you use, it may be imperative for a newly certified CPR instructor to be monitored on their first class to make sure that they have it altogether and that they will yield ideal results. To make sure that you get the most of this experience, make sure that you make use of the instructor material that is readily available for you.
vi) The last step as far as the procedure of attaining the level of certified CPR instructor is concerned involves taking the recertification course as often as is required. Take note that in many cases, the CPR certificate may be renewed provided the instructor has taught at least a single course during the period when the certificate was in force. The purpose for recertification, as may be made obvious by the name, is to ensure that instructors remain on top of their game.