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WINDED Symptoms
WINDED Symptoms

When a person is ‘winded’ it means that he or she has been subjected to a sudden powerful impact to his or her abdomen. When such a collision occurs, the individual faces difficulty in breathing as he or she is considered to have been winded.

WINDED Symptoms

An individual suffering from this condition known as solar plexus syndrome or winded usually experiences various symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, especially when he or she breathes deeply. In addition to this, the victim faces anxiety because ‘he or she is having the wind knocked out of him or her’.

Another symptom of solar plexus syndrome is the sudden blow directed to the person’s stomach or when the victim falls onto the back. When such blows happen, the diaphragm becomes contracted and then goes into spasm thus making it almost impossible to inhale and exhale effectively. However, when the diaphragm relaxes, the breathing process becomes easier again.


Being winded or getting a solar plexus syndrome is commonly realized in contact sports such as rugby, netball and even in ball sports like soccer. In addition to this, solar plexus syndrome is also experienced in martial arts like tae kwon do, karate among others when a participant falls to the floor.

WINDED Treatment

When a person becomes winded, it is advisable that he or she sits in a crouched position in order to enable the muscles to relax. Consequently, the patient should remain calm by taking slow and deep breaths as this will decrease the pain of the sudden forceful impact that has been experienced in the abdomen. If the condition does not improve within a period of ten-to-fifteen minutes, the victim should seek the attention of a general practitioner as that could be a case of further injury such as that of a collapsed lung or even a fractured rib. The doctor should diagnose prescribe treatment accordingly.

WINDED Prevention

In order to prevent the occurrence of solar plexus in individuals, certain lifestyle changes should be adhered to. Such lifestyle activities are aimed at improving health and reducing the vulnerability of people getting winded. They include the following: getting active. Individuals should always strive to perform exercises that keep them active such as walking routinely, swimming and even riding bicycles and horses. However, such exercises should be gradual.

Besides, people should maintain a good diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Drinking plenty of water is also a useful lifestyle change that improves health and keeps the body hydrated. Reduce caffeinated drinks and above all, reduce the amount of sugar intake.

Sufficient rest is necessary besides wearing protective dresses and avoiding stresses. Should the condition worsen and if the impact persists, it is important to seek medical attention from a general practitioner.

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